Fleece vs Wool Blankets: Which is Better?

Last Updated On February 19th, 2024
Fleece vs Wool Blankets: Which is Better?

Key Takeaways

  • Personal Preference and Lifestyle: Consider your individual preferences and lifestyle when choosing between fleece and wool blankets. Are you drawn to the softness and affordability of fleece, or do you prefer the classic charm and superior warmth of wool? By weighing these factors, you can select the blanket that best suits your needs and enhances your comfort and style.
  • Cost Considerations: While fleece blankets offer affordability and budget-friendly options, wool blankets may require a higher initial investment. However, wool blankets boast superior durability and long-term value, making them a worthwhile investment in comfort and sustainability. Assess your budget constraints and long-term goals to make an informed choice that aligns with your financial priorities.
  • Environmental Impact: Wool blankets have a clear advantage over fleece in terms of sustainability and eco-friendliness. Wool is a natural and renewable resource, biodegradable, and produced through a cruelty-free process. In contrast, fleece blankets are made from synthetic materials derived from fossil fuels, contributing to environmental pollution and landfill waste.

Blankets are more than just a simple necessity for warmth; they are a statement of comfort and style. As you navigate the vast array of options available, two popular contenders emerge: fleece and wool. Each material brings its own set of advantages and considerations, catering to different preferences and needs.

If you’re in the market for a warm and cozy layer to keep you snug during chilly nights, or simply trying to decide which type of blanket to invest in, you’ve come to the right place. As you contemplate the fleece vs wool conundrum, consider your individual preferences and lifestyle.

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Are you drawn to the plush softness of fleece or the classic charm of wool? Do you prioritize warmth, breathability, or aesthetic appeal? By weighing these factors and understanding the distinct characteristics of each material, you can confidently select the perfect blanket to envelop you in comfort and style.

In this article, we’ll explore the differences between fleece and wool blankets, helping you make an informed choice for your ultimate comfort. Let’s dive into the fleece vs wool comparison and uncover the key factors that set these blankets apart.

Fleece Blankets: The Synthetic Option

Fleece blankets are a popular choice for warmth and comfort. Made from synthetic fibers, typically polyester, fleece blankets are known for their softness and affordability. The synthetic fabric gives fleece blankets their cozy and plush feel, making them perfect for cuddling up on chilly nights.

One of the key advantages of fleece blankets is their lightweight nature. Despite being thin, fleece blankets provide excellent insulation and retain body heat effectively. This means you can stay warm without feeling weighed down by heavy layers.

Fleece blankets are versatile and can be used in various ways. They are often used as mid-layers to add an extra level of warmth under other bedding or clothing. They also serve as outer layers, providing a cozy barrier against the cold. Whether you’re snuggling up on the couch or heading outdoors, a fleece blanket can be your go-to companion for comfort.

Key Features of Fleece Blankets:

  • Softness and affordability
  • Lightweight yet warm
  • Versatile for different uses
  • Easy to care for

So, if you need a cozy and budget-friendly blanket, consider a fleece blanket. Its synthetic fabric, usually made of polyester, provides a soft and warm layer without adding unnecessary bulk. Explore the wide range of fleece blankets available and find the perfect one to keep you snug and comfortable.

See also: Fleece vs Flannel: What Is Best for Winter?

Wool Blankets: The Natural Choice

When it comes to staying warm during chilly weather, wool blankets are the natural choice. Made from the natural fibers of sheep’s wool, these blankets offer exceptional insulation properties that are hard to beat. Whether you’re looking for a base layer, a mid-layer, or an outer layer, wool blankets provide superior warmth and comfort.

Wool’s insulation power is what sets it apart. The unique structure of wool fibers creates tiny air pockets that trap heat, providing excellent thermal insulation. This makes wool blankets ideal for keeping you cozy even in the harshest of conditions.

In addition to its insulation properties, wool is also known for its moisture-wicking abilities. It can absorb moisture without feeling wet or clammy, making it suitable for activities that involve sweating or exposure to wet conditions. This moisture management feature helps regulate body temperature and keeps you dry and comfortable.

When it comes to durability, wool blankets are built to last. Wool fibers are naturally resilient and can withstand daily use without losing their shape or warmth. With proper care, wool blankets can provide you with years of cozy comfort.

Merino wool, in particular, is considered the premium choice for wool blankets and garments. Merino wool comes from a specific breed of sheep and is known for its softness, breathability, and natural odor resistance. It’s the perfect material for luxury wool blankets that offer both style and functionality.

Key Features of Wool Blankets:

  • Superior insulation and warmth
  • Timeless elegance and durability
  • Moisture-wicking and breathable
  • Sustainable and eco-friendly

So, whether you’re curling up on the couch, heading out for a camping trip, or layering up for a winter adventure, wool blankets are your go-to option. They provide superior insulation, moisture management, durability, and comfort that synthetic materials simply can’t match. Choose wool and let its natural properties keep you warm and cozy wherever you go.

Cost Considerations

As you weigh the pros and cons of fleece and wool blankets, their cost is undoubtedly a crucial factor to consider. Particularly for those considering extra blankets around the house or separate blankets for couples.

Fleece blankets often shine in terms of affordability, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious shoppers. Due to their synthetic nature and mass production, fleece blankets are generally more budget-friendly than their wool counterparts.

Whether you’re looking to outfit your entire household with cozy layers and add texture to a bedroom, or if you’re seeking a quick and economical solution to stay warm in bed, fleece blankets offer a cost-effective choice without compromising on comfort.

On the other hand, wool blankets are typically priced in a higher range due to the natural materials and craftsmanship involved in their production. Wool, sourced from sheep or other animals, undergoes a more intricate manufacturing process compared to synthetic fleece.

Additionally, the superior insulation, durability, and other advantageous properties of wool contribute to its premium pricing. While wool blankets may require a greater upfront investment, their long-term value and performance often justify the higher cost.

With proper care, a well-made wool blanket can last for years, providing enduring warmth and comfort to ensure you don’t feel cold at night.

Insulating Power

When it comes to keeping you warm as a throw or blanket, wool takes the lead over fleece. The insulation value of wool is higher, meaning it has superior insulating power compared to fleece. Even when wet, wool can still retain heat, making it an excellent choice for cold weather conditions.

Both polar fleece and merino fleece blankets in 300 weight will retain moisture for longer periods than merino or fleece blankets in 100 weight. Both fleece options won’t let moisture escape as quickly. So, if you want to keep dry and make a bed for sweating and such, opting for merino or fleece blankets in 100 weight would be a better idea.

Remember to consider the weight of the blanket when choosing one for warmth and comfort. Don’t forget to neglect the blanket size too, as this can ensure you’re adequately covered at night. Additionally, knowing the material and weight will help you pick the perfect blanket for your needs.

On the other hand, fleece loses its insulating power when it gets wet, which means it does not provide the same level of warmth as wool. If you’re looking for a blanket or garment that will truly keep you cozy and want to avoid having too many blankets, wool insulation is the way to go.

Moisture Management

When it comes to moisture management, wool blankets have the edge over fleece. Wool has Verified Source National Library of Medicine (NIH) World’s largest medical library, making biomedical data and information more accessible. View source natural moisture-wicking properties, which means it can pull sweat away from your body and allow it to evaporate, keeping you dry and comfortable.

In fact, wool can absorb up to 30% of its weight in water without feeling wet, making it an excellent choice for activities that involve sweating or being exposed to wet conditions.

On the other hand, fleece does not possess the same moisture-wicking abilities as wool. It does not absorb moisture and can leave you feeling damp and uncomfortable during physical activities or in humid environments. If you’re looking for a blanket that can effectively manage moisture and keep you dry, wool is the superior option to consider.

Durability and Care

When it comes to durability, wool surpasses fleece and proves to be a long-lasting investment. Wool blankets are renowned for their ability to retain their shape and structure over time. With proper care, wool blankets can last for years, providing you with warmth and comfort season after season.

However, it is essential to handle wool with care during the washing process. Wool requires gentle washing methods to prevent damage and potential shrinking.

By following the recommended washing instructions, you can ensure that your wool blankets maintain their durability and shape. You may even want to use something like a duvet cover to minimize needed washings, as you would with a standard duvet.

In contrast, fleece is generally less durable compared to wool. Over time, fleece blankets may lose their shape and become less resilient.

Despite their lower durability, fleece blankets offer an advantage in terms of care. Fleece blankets are easier to care for and can withstand frequent washing without significant damage or alterations.

When it comes to choosing between wool and fleece, consider your priorities. If durability is your top concern, wool is the clear winner. However, if ease of care and the ability to withstand frequent washing is more important to you, fleece may be a more suitable option.

Environmental Impact

When it comes to considering the environmental impact, wool blankets have a clear advantage over fleece blankets. Wool is a natural and renewable resource, making it an eco-friendly choice. It is produced by sheep, and their fleece can be sheared without causing harm, allowing for a sustainable and cruelty-free process.

On the other hand, fleece blankets are made from synthetic materials, such as polyester, which are derived from fossil fuels. The production of fleece involves the use of non-renewable resources and chemicals, resulting in a higher environmental impact.

Furthermore, wool is biodegradable, meaning it can naturally decompose without leaving behind harmful pollutants. This makes wool blankets a more sustainable option, as they do not contribute to landfill waste. In contrast, fleece is not biodegradable and can take hundreds of years to break down, further contributing to the global waste problem.

By choosing wool blankets, you are not only enjoying the warmth and comfort they provide but also making a conscious decision to support a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option. You can pair it with a sustainable and eco-friendly mattress and similar bedding. However, we should note that of the two, fleece is the only vegan option.

Antimicrobial Properties

When choosing a blanket, one important factor to consider for those concerned about bacteria in bed is its antimicrobial properties. The wool layer keeps you warm and cozy on chilly nights. Wool, with its natural properties, has a clear advantage over fleece in this regard. Wool has the innate ability to resist the growth of bacteria and odor, making it a great choice for those with sensitive skin or allergies.

This is in part why wool clothing is popular in winter. Wearing wool again and again is great because it won’t hold onto bad smells. You can sleep with a wool blanket for weeks without worrying about it smelling bad, ensuring a healthy sleep environment. Meanwhile, fleece blankets can get stinky after a bit of sweating.

Yes, unlike wool, fleece does not possess the same antimicrobial advantages. This means that over time, bacteria and odor can accumulate on fleece blankets, leading to potential discomfort and hygiene concerns. This can even affect how musty these get when you store blankets in warmer seasons.

However, this is where fleece’s ease of being washed may come in handy. It’s much easier to refresh a fleece blanket by washing it than it is a wool blanket.


What are the disadvantages of wool blankets?

Wool blankets, while renowned for their warmth and durability, do have some drawbacks. Firstly, they can be quite heavy compared to other blanket materials, which may not be suitable for those who prefer lighter bedding or live in warmer climates.

Additionally, some individuals may find wool blankets to be scratchy or irritating to delicate skin, especially if they have sensitivities or allergies to wool fibers. Lastly, wool requires special care when washing, as it can shrink if exposed to high temperatures or agitation. Some sleepers prefer more low-maintenance bedding.

Is wool or fleece blanket warmer?

When it comes to warmth, both wool and fleece blankets have their merits. Wool blankets are excellent insulators, trapping heat effectively and keeping you cozy on chilly nights.

On the other hand, fleece blankets are often thicker and have a plush texture that provides additional warmth. Ultimately, the choice between wool and fleece bedding depends on personal preference and specific insulation needs.

Is fleece or wool blanket better for camping?

For sleeping well while camping, the best blanket depends on various factors such as weather conditions, weight considerations, and personal preferences.

Fleece blankets are lightweight, quick-drying, and moisture-wicking, making them ideal for mild to moderate camping trips. Wool blankets, while heavier, offer superior warmth and insulation, making them suitable for colder climates or winter camping expeditions where staying warm is crucial.

Consider the climate and duration of your camping trip when choosing between fleece and wool blankets.

What is the best material for bed blankets?

The best material for bed blankets depends on individual preferences and needs. Cotton blankets are breathable, soft, and easy to care for, making them a popular choice for year-round use. Wool blankets excel in providing warmth and durability, making them ideal for colder climates or individuals who tend to get cold easily. Fleece blankets offer plush softness and warmth, making them cozy options for cold nights.

Consider factors such as climate, personal comfort preferences, and care requirements when selecting the best material for your bed blankets.

Which type of blanket is best for heavy winter?

In heavy winter conditions, opting for blankets with superior insulation is key to staying warm and comfortable. Most people prefer wool blankets due to their warmth and durability. Wool blankets are an excellent choice for heavy winter use due to their natural insulating properties and ability to retain heat effectively, even in extremely cold temperatures. Look for wool blankets with a higher wool content and a dense weave for maximum warmth.

Layering with additional blankets or using a duvet cover with a blanket (or even a proper duvet) can further enhance insulation and provide added warmth during particularly cold nights.


After comparing the characteristics of fleece and wool blankets, it is evident that both options have their own unique benefits in winter bedrooms. Fleece blankets are known for their affordability and softness, making them a popular choice for those seeking comfort. On the other hand, wool blankets offer exceptional insulation, moisture management, durability, and antimicrobial properties.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to your intended purpose, the bedroom environment where you will be using the blanket, and your willingness to care for the material. Take the time to assess these factors to ensure that you select the perfect blanket for a snug and warm winter season.

About the author

Mitchell Tollsen is a graduate student and a freelance writer who’s contributed to the Early Bird blog for three years. Mitchell’s always been fascinated by the science of sleep and the restorative processes our bodies undergo when at rest. The self-titled “Sleep Expert” is always looking for ways to improve his shut-eye, and throughout the years has implemented numerous lifestyle changes and tried dozens of sleep-promoting gadgets to determine the best ways to truly get better rest.

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