What to Do if a Bat Gets into Your Bedroom?

Last Updated On August 29th, 2024
What to Do if a Bat Gets into Your Bedroom?

Key Takeaways

  • Stay Calm and Assess: When encountering a bat in your bedroom, the key is to stay calm. Assess the situation by closing all interior doors to keep the bat contained within the room. Recognize potential entry points and seal off any narrow gaps or utility vents temporarily.
  • Safely Escort the Bat Outdoors: To safely guide the bat out, find an open door leading outside and seal off potential hiding spots. Use a plastic container and gardening gloves to gently trap the bat, ensuring it cannot fly away. Release the bat outdoors during the night, allowing it to take flight safely.
  • Prevent Future Encounters: Take measures to prevent future bat encounters by capturing bats that enter through windows, protecting windows with screens, and providing outdoor roosting spots like bat houses. Be aware of the potential exposure risk to young bats and refrain from disturbing them. Stay calm during encounters to minimize risks and ensure the safety of both yourself and the bat.

If you ever encounter a bat in the bedroom, it can be a surprising and alarming experience. Although bats are essential creatures to our ecosystem, finding one in your living space can be dangerous and can potentially transmit diseases.

However, there are safe and effective steps you can take to gently escort the winged visitor back to the great outdoors.

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In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide to assess the situation and safely guide the bat out of your home. Let’s get started with some simple but essential tips to handle this unexpected encounter.

Remember, the key is to stay calm and follow these safe and effective steps for gently escorting the bat out of your living space, ensuring both your safety and the bat’s well-being as you return to your respective living spaces.

Understanding Bats and Their Behavior

Bats are fascinating creatures with a crucial role in our ecosystems. They are the only mammals capable of sustained flight, making them powerful predators of insects that they catch while flying. In fact, a single bat can consume hundreds of mosquitoes and other pests per hour, making them valuable allies in controlling insect populations.

However, it’s important to prevent bats from entering living spaces like bedrooms as they can carry diseases like rabies Verified Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The United States’ health protection agency that defends against dangers to health and safety. View source and their droppings Verified Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The United States’ health protection agency that defends against dangers to health and safety. View source can be hazardous to humans. One way to encourage bats to stay out of your home is to provide them with a bat house, a safe and sheltered location where they can roost and rest without causing any harm.

It’s critical to remember that when encountering a flying bat indoors, you should stay calm and avoid panicking. Use a stiff piece of paper or cardboard to gently guide the bat towards an open door or window, allowing it to escape to the great outdoors safely. By understanding bat behavior and how to prevent them from entering your living space, you can coexist with these winged visitors peacefully.

Assessing the Situation

Encountering a bat in your bedroom can be scary, but it’s important to stay calm and assess the situation. One potential risk is a bat bite, which can occur if you try to handle the bat or if it feels threatened. Another risk is losing sight of the bat and being unable to safely escort it back outside.

It’s essential to keep the bat inside the room by closing all interior doors. This will prevent the bat from flying to other areas of your living space and reduce the risks of exposure to pets or others. Additionally, take note of any potential entry points the bat may have used to get inside your room. This information will help prevent future bat encounters.

Safely Escorting the Bat Outdoors

Encountering a bat in your bedroom can be unsettling, but safely escorting it back outside is crucial to ensuring both your well-being and the bat’s. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Finding an Open Door

First, you need to find an open door leading outside. Make sure all interior doors are closed to keep the bat in the room.

Sealing Utility Vents and Narrow Gaps

You should also seal off any utility vents or narrow gaps where the bat may try to hide or escape indoors. Use a piece of stiff paper or cardboard to block the opening temporarily.

Using a Plastic Container and Gardening Gloves

Wearing long-sleeved shirts and gardening gloves, gently place a plastic container over the bat as it sits on a flat surface, ensuring it cannot fly away. Carefully slip a piece of stiff paper or cardboard underneath the container to trap the bat inside.

Staying Calm

Stay calm during the bat-flying encounter to avoid panicking the bat. Keep in mind that these winged visitors are more afraid of you than you are of them.

Releasing the Bat Back to the Great Outdoors

Once the bat is secured, take it outside and set it free in a safe, open area, preferably near a tree where it can immediately take flight. Release the bat during the night when it’s more active and less likely to lose sight.

Following these steps will help you safely escort the bat back to the great outdoors while minimizing the risk of harm to yourself and the bat. Always remember to wear protective gear and contact your local state wildlife agency for additional guidance if needed.

Handling and Releasing the Bat

Encountering a bat in your room can be frightening, but it is essential to handle and release it safely. The first step is to catch the bat using a piece of cardboard. Approach the bat slowly and gently place the cardboard beneath it, ensuring that the bat is on the cardboard. Avoid contact with your bare hands.

You can then walk to the nearest door, ensuring to close all other doors in the room. Open the door, and the bat should fly out. Avoid opening windows as other bats may fly in. If the bat does not fly out, leave the room and wait for some time to give the bat a chance to leave at its own pace.

It’s essential to release the bat outdoors during the night as it is the time when they are most active. Avoid releasing the bat during the day or when the weather is bad as it will not be able to find shelter and may become vulnerable to predators. Ensure to release the bat on the ground to avoid falls and injuries to its wings. Never release the bat in an attic or any enclosed space as it may get confused and panic, causing harm to itself.

If you have pets in the room, keep them away to avoid any contact with the bat. Also, ensure to keep other doors in your home shut to prevent the bat’s entry into other rooms.

Remember, stay calm throughout the process, and if you feel afraid or unsure to deal with the situation, your best choice might be a 24-hour pest control service, but make sure to check if they’re qualified to handle bats before making a decision. If not, contact your local wildlife authority for guidance.

Acquire Professional Help

If you are unsure about how to safely capture and remove the bat without putting yourself at risk of bites or scratches, it’s best to contact a professional. Mishandling a bat can increase the risk of exposure to diseases.

Contact professionals such as animal control services, pest control, or wildlife removal specialists to assess the situation and take appropriate action. They have the expertise to handle bat removal safely and can guide you on potential health risks.

If there is any doubt or concern about potential exposure to rabies from bats, Verified Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The United States’ health protection agency that defends against dangers to health and safety. View source seek medical attention promptly. For example, children and pets may not be able to communicate if they were bitten, so it’s better to err on the side of caution.

Ensuring Bat Prevention in the Future

If you’ve recently encountered a bat in your bedroom, it’s essential to take steps to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. Here are some tips:

Capture bats that enter through windows

Use a net or a plastic container to catch any bats that may have accidentally flown inside. Release them outdoors in a safe place so that they can continue to thrive in their natural habitat.

Protect your windows with screens

Bats are attracted to light, so keep your windows shut or invest in window screens to prevent them from flying in. Moreover, fix your loose-fitting doors as this can also become an entry point for bats.

Provide a safe place for bats to rest outdoors

Bats are nocturnal animals that rest during the day. Installing bat houses or boxes in your garden is a great way to give them a place to rest without disrupting your living space.

Be aware of the exposure risk to young bats

If you suspect there may be young bats nearby, do not disturb them. They may be hanging on the walls of your house or outside. They will eventually mature and fly away on their own. Exposure to young bats can be harmful, so it’s best to let them be until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Stay calm and collected

It can be frightening to encounter a bat in your bedroom. However, it’s essential to remain calm and collected in such a situation. Bats are generally harmless, and if given the chance, they will fly back outdoors on their own.

More to Watch Out for

Bats can be troublesome but they’re not the only ones you need to keep out of the bedroom. Bed bugs are a top pest you want to avoid, but there are other insects you want to keep out of the bedroom. And that’s not mentioning mold and mildew as other nasty things that can settle in the bedroom and adversely affect your health and sleep:


What attracts bats to your house?

Bats are attracted to houses for a variety of reasons. The presence of sheltered roosting spots, such as attics or eaves, and potential food sources like insects around outdoor lights can draw bats to your home.

Additionally, certain architectural features like small openings or narrow gaps high in houses can let bats enter. Gaps in siding or vents may inadvertently provide entry points for bats as well.

Will bats go into a room with lights on?

Bats are primarily nocturnal creatures that prefer darkness. While some species may be less disturbed by light, it is generally uncommon for bats to willingly enter well-lit rooms. Keeping lights on can help deter bats from entering indoor spaces, but it’s essential to address potential entry points to prevent their intrusion.

What to do if a bat is in your bedroom?

Encountering a bat in your bedroom can be unnerving, but it’s essential to remain calm. Make sure there’s an open window or a door leading outside, turn off interior lights, and close doors to other parts of the house to guide the bat toward the exit. It’s crucial to avoid direct contact, and if necessary, gently trap and release the bat using a container.

Is it safe to sleep with a bat in your room?

Sleeping with a bat in your room is not advisable due to the risk of bites and potential exposure to diseases. While most bats are harmless, it’s best to safely remove them from indoor spaces to ensure your safety. If bitten, seek medical attention promptly, as some bats can carry diseases like rabies.

Do bats bite people in their sleep?

Bats are not naturally aggressive toward humans, and instances of bites are rare. However, if a bat feels threatened or cornered, it may bite in self-defense. It’s crucial to avoid direct contact with bats, especially while sleeping, as they might bite if they perceive a threat. Remember, if you’re bitten, seek medical attention promptly, as some bats can carry diseases like rabies.


Encountering a bat in the bedroom can be a frightening experience, but by taking safe and effective steps, you can gently escort the winged visitor back to the great outdoors. Remember to stay calm and assess the situation, keeping the bat inside the room by closing the interior doors.

Use a plastic container and gardening gloves to safely escort the bat outside, and wait for it to land on the ground before releasing it during the night. To prevent future bat encounters, consider protecting your windows with screens and providing a safe place for bats to rest outdoors.

About the author

April Mayer is a sleep expert and writer with a degree in exercise physiology. She has dedicated her career to exploring the relationship between sleep and productivity. Her insightful articles, such as "The Surprising Way Your Mood Might Be Messing With Your Productivity" and "Wake Up to More Productive Mornings," have been featured in reputable publications like Forbes, Greatist, Real Homes, Thrillist, Tom's Guide, and Eat This, Not That. With a passion for helping others lead more productive lives through restful sleep, April offers valuable expertise on foods and vitamins for better sleep. As a trusted member of the Early Bird team since March 2020, she continues to provide informative and well-researched content.

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