How to Get Sweat Stains Out of a Mattress

Last Updated On April 18th, 2024
How to Get Sweat Stains Out of a Mattress

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the Causes of Sweat Stains: To effectively tackle sweat stains on your mattress, it’s important to understand what causes them. Factors like a warm room temperature, heavy bedding, and medical conditions can all contribute to sweating during the night. Identifying these causes can help you take preventive measures to keep your mattress clean and fresh.
  • Proper Cleaning Techniques: Knowing how to clean sweat stains from your mattress is essential. Begin by preparing the mattress, removing bedding, and vacuuming to eliminate loose dirt and debris. Using household items like vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, or liquid dish soap can effectively remove stains. Remember not to oversaturate and ensure the mattress is thoroughly air-dried to prevent mold growth.
  • Preventing Future Sweat Stains: Prevention is key to maintaining a clean mattress. Invest in a mattress cover or protector to create a barrier against sweat and spills. Regularly wash your bedding and maintain a cool bedroom environment to minimize sweating during sleep. These simple steps will help prolong the life of your mattress and ensure a comfortable night’s sleep.

Sleeping should be a time of rest and rejuvenation, but for many people, it comes with an unexpected challenge: sweating during the night. This can be triggered by various factors, including a room that’s too warm, heavy blankets, medical issues like night sweats or hyperhidrosis, and even stress and anxiety.

One of the unwelcome side effects of night sweats is the discovery of unsightly sweat stains on your mattress when you wake up. But there’s no need to panic. We’re here to provide you with a clear guide on how to effectively remove these stains and ensure they don’t make a comeback.

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In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps of how to get sweat stains out of your mattress, leaving your mattress surface clean and fresh for a more comfortable night’s sleep.

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Understanding Sweating While Sleeping

Understanding why you might sweat in your sleep can help you keep your mattress clean. We’ll delve into the causes and solutions for this common issue, ensuring your mattresses remain a cozy haven for restorative sleep.

High Room Temperature

Room temperature can be a significant culprit behind those frustrating sweat stains on your mattress. When your sleeping environment gets too warm, your body responds by sweating, and this moisture can easily seep into your mattress, leading to stains and potential odor issues.

Worse, a sweaty mattress in a warm environment can be a breeding ground for mattress mold. If you do find sweat stains on your mattress from a too-warm room, Remember to let the mattress air dry thoroughly after cleaning to ensure it stays clean and fresh for a more comfortable night’s sleep.

Sometimes, though, sweating in a hot room is unavoidable, such as when you’re trying to sleep during a heat wave. To combat this, using mattress protectors is a smart move, as they create a barrier between your body and the mattress, preventing sweat from penetrating

Heavy Bedding

Bedding can contribute to sweat stains on your mattress because it traps heat and moisture close to your body while you sleep. This can lead to increased perspiration and the formation of sweat stains on your mattress.

To combat this, consider using a lighter blanket or comforter and make sure to clean sweat stains promptly to keep your mattress clean and fresh. Partners may wish to consider separate blankets for couples to reduce heat retention.

Medical Conditions

Night sweats and hyperhidrosis can cause excessive sweating during sleep, leading to a potential buildup of moisture on your mattress. This moisture can create an ideal environment for the accumulation of dead skin cells, skin flakes, and even pet dander if you have pets in your bedroom.

To keep your mattress clean and hygienic, it’s crucial to address these conditions promptly and take steps to minimize their impact on your sleeping environment. Speak with your doctor if you have concerns about unexplained night sweats.

Cleaning Sweat Stains from a Mattress

In the quest to learn how to get sweat stains out of a mattress and bid farewell to those persistent mattress stains, understanding the proper cleaning techniques is crucial. In this section, we’ll explore effective methods to restore your mattress to its pristine condition.

Preparing the Mattress

To start the mattress cleaning process, you should prepare the mattress surface by removing all bedding and covers. This step allows you to expose the stained area and plan ahead for a deep clean, ensuring that unsightly stains are effectively removed.

  • Removing bedding and covers: Clearing away all bedding and covers is essential since bacteria love to thrive in warm, enclosed spaces. By giving your mattress some breathing room, you set the stage for a successful cleaning mission, using the best cleaning products to tackle those stubborn stains from your mattress.
  • Vacuuming the mattress: Use a vacuum cleaner to eliminate loose dirt and debris before diving into the mattress cleaning process. This step prevents these particles from getting deeper into the mattress and ensures that the stain-removal process is more effective.
  • Making a cleaning solution: When making your cleaning solution, mix hot water with a gentle detergent to help break down the sweat or urine stain, and let it sit for a moment before blotting with a clean towel. This effective concoction ensures a deep clean and removes those unsightly stains from your mattress surface.

Using Household Items


Household items like vinegar and water can work wonders to remove an unsightly stain from your mattress. By applying a mixture of warm water and vinegar, you can effectively remove stains and other allergens, ensuring a cleaner and fresher place to spend about a third of your life sleeping.

Baking Soda

To clean with baking soda, you can create a paste by mixing it with water and then applying it to the stained area. Baking soda dissolves as it reacts with water, making it an effective cleaning agent. It’s a common cleaning hack to sprinkle baking soda on various surfaces, and after allowing it to sit for a while, you can scrub gently and then wipe or vacuum away the residue, leaving your surfaces cleaner and fresher.

Furthermore, baking soda is one of the best ways to deodorize and freshen up mattresses.

Liquid Dish Soap

You can clean sweat stains off your mattress using a few drops of liquid dish soap. Just apply the dish soap directly to the stain, scrub gently with a damp cloth, and then wipe it clean to make your mattress look fresh and stain-free.

Hydrogen Peroxide

To clean a mattress using hydrogen peroxide, start by removing the bed sheets and inspecting the mattress for dust mites or sweat stains. Mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water, ideally in a 1:1 ratio, in a spray bottle. Lightly spray the stained or affected areas, but avoid saturating the mattress with excess liquid.

Let the solution sit for a few minutes to remove sweat stains and disinfect. Then, gently blot the treated areas with a clean cloth. This method can also be a helpful step in addressing pest concerns before you replace the bed sheets.

Preventing Future Sweat Stains

Your best bet for preventing future sweat stains on memory foam mattresses is to use a mattress cover or protector. These protective covers act as a barrier against sweat, spills, and other accidents, keeping your mattress clean and fresh.

Having the right protector can save you from having to clean up one of the following messes.

If you toss and turn in sleep to try and cool down, a protector can also act as a barrier against friction. This barrier prevents lint balls on a mattress from forming.

Additionally, remember to regularly wash your bedding and covers, as well as maintain a cool bedroom environment to minimize sweating during sleep. These simple steps will help keep your mattress or memory foam mattress in great condition for years to come.

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Can you get old sweat stains out of a mattress?

Yes, you can often remove old sweat stains from a mattress, although it may take some effort. Older, set-in stains may be more challenging to completely remove, and it may require multiple cleaning attempts or the use of a specialized mattress stain remover. To tackle these stains, start by blotting the affected area with a clean, absorbent cloth to remove any remaining moisture. Then, mix a solution of mild detergent and water and gently blot the stain.

Avoid oversaturating the mattress, as excessive moisture can lead to mold or mildew growth. After cleaning, allow the entire mattress to air dry thoroughly. Ideally, it would help if you left it in direct sunlight, as the sun’s UV rays can help eliminate bacteria and odors.

How do you get yellow sweat stains out of bedding?

Yellow sweat stains on bedding can be unsightly, but they are treatable. To remove these stains and whiten your bedding, start by pretreating the affected area with a mixture of white vinegar and water or hydrogen peroxide. Gently blot the stains with the solution, then wash the bedding in the hottest water appropriate for the fabric, following the care instructions on the label.

Adding baking soda or oxygen bleach to your regular laundry detergent can also help lift and remove yellow stains. After washing, check the bedding to ensure the stains are completely gone before drying, as heat can set the stains permanently. Repeat the process if necessary.

Does sweat ruin a mattress?

Sweat, especially if left untreated, can potentially damage a mattress over time. Sweat contains salts and bodily fluids that can seep into the mattress, leading to the development of bacteria and mold. This can not only cause unpleasant odors but also affect the structural integrity of the mattress, as moisture is a prime cause of rusty coils. Rust can cause squeaking and a loss of support.

To prevent sweat from ruining a mattress, it’s crucial to use a mattress protector or cover, which can be easily removed and washed. Regularly cleaning and maintaining your mattress, including proper ventilation, can also help extend its lifespan and prevent sweat-related issues.

Why am I sweating so much in bed?

Excessive sweating in bed can have various causes. It may be related to medical conditions such as menopause, infections, sleep apnea, or hormonal imbalances. Certain medications can also lead to increased sweating. Environmental factors, such as a hot bedroom, heavy bedding, or an overheated thermostat, can contribute to night sweats.

If you’re experiencing persistent night sweats that disrupt your sleep, we suggest consulting with a trusted healthcare professional. They can help diagnose and treat any underlying medical conditions or recommend lifestyle changes to improve your sleep environment.

When are night sweats a concern?

Night sweats should be investigated when they occur frequently and are accompanied by other symptoms. While occasional night sweats due to environmental factors may not be alarming, persistent and severe night sweats can be indicative of underlying medical conditions.

Potential causes can include infections, hormonal imbalances, certain medications, or medical conditions. If your night sweats are accompanied by unexplained weight loss, fever, pain, or other concerning symptoms, we suggest seeking medical attention. Consulting with a trusted doctor can help determine the cause and guide appropriate treatment.


Sweat stains on your mattress can be annoying and unsightly. However, with the right techniques, they can be effectively removed. The key steps include preparing the mattress by vacuuming and removing bedding, making a cleaning solution of warm water and gentle detergent, gently blotting the stain, and allowing proper drying time.

To prevent future stains, we suggest the use of a mattress protector. This creates a protective barrier against moisture. Additionally, maintaining proper ventilation, temperature control, and regular laundering of bedding will keep your mattress fresh and free of stains.

Learning how to get sweat stains out of a mattress can make a significant difference in preserving the cleanliness and longevity of your bed. By following the effective cleaning methods and preventive measures outlined in this guide, you can enjoy a stain-free and comfortable sleep environment for a restful night’s sleep.

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