How to Stay Well-Rested When Traveling

Medically reviewed by
 Dr. Jing Zhang, Neuroscientist

Dr. Jing Zhang, Neuroscientist

Jing Zhang is a prominent figure in the realm of sleep research, specializing in the intricate connection between sleep and memory. With an extensive research tenure exceeding 7 years, she…

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By Rosie Osmun Certified Sleep Coach

Last Updated On August 23rd, 2024
How to Stay Well-Rested When Traveling

Key Takeaways

  • Maintain a Sleep Schedule: Stick to a consistent sleep schedule as much as possible, even when on vacation. This helps regulate your body’s internal clock and makes it easier to fall asleep and wake up refreshed. If adjusting to a new time zone, try to align your sleep and wake times gradually.
  • Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment: Mimic elements of your home sleep environment to promote better rest. Bring familiar items like your favorite pillow, essential oils, or a white noise machine to help you relax and block out unfamiliar noises. Ensure your sleeping area is dark, either with blackout curtains or a sleep mask, to optimize melatonin production.
  • Prepare for Jet Lag: If traveling across time zones, prepare strategies to mitigate jet lag effects. This includes adjusting your exposure to light and darkness according to your destination’s time zone, and potentially using melatonin supplements under medical guidance to help regulate sleep patterns.

Sleep well away from home and enjoy your vacation sans jet lag with a few simple tips and tricks.

If you’re going on vacation, chances are you want to have a good time, and sleep may not be your top priority.

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But, getting quality rest can put a serious drag on your festivities, whether travelling for business or pleasure. A lack of sleep not only makes you physically tired, it affects your mood, motivation, memory and can even make your more susceptible to colds and other bugs.

Many of us assume we can just catch up on missed sleep once we’re home, but studies indicate that this may not be entirely true, and even one day of sleep deprivation can have big consequences. Rather than muddling through your next holiday half-awake, try incorporating some of these solutions to stay well-rested when traveling for a better experience.

7 Ways to Sleep Better During Vacations

We’ve put together seven easy ideas and hacks designed to help you stay on top of sleep and enjoy your next vacation to the fullest. Try incorporating these into your routine if you tend to have sleep troubles away from home.

1. Plan a Sleep Schedule

Your internal sleep clock thrives on regularity, and sticking to fairly regular sleep and wake times can help prevent your body from going haywire. If you are only on vacation for a couple of days, try to stick to your normal patterns within an hour or so.

If you are vacationing for a week or more, then have a set sleep and wake time in mind that will allow you to do everything you want but still get in enough sleep. Making a conscious note of this can make it easier to wind down and rest.

Either way, it is important to give yourself plenty of time to sleep, especially the first night or two when you are still getting used to your surroundings. Try to turn in early if possible so you don’t feel too pressured to fall asleep fast (especially if you’re travelling on business or have an appointment the next day).

2. Mimic Your Home

If you tend to have difficulty getting comfortable in a new environment or have kids with you, it can be helpful to pack a few items from your home sleep routine to make the transition easier.

This might be a favorite pillow, type of tea or slippers, or even an essential oil or room spray  – whatever helps you get comfortable. For kiddos, their own pillows or a particular toy or book could help them sleep easier.

If you live in a noisy city and travelling to quiet one (or vice versa), a white noise machine (or app) or earplugs could also prove helpful. If there are particular shows or songs you like to wind down to in the evening, bring them along on a laptop or a tablet.

3. Prepare for Distractions

Whether you’ll be staying in a five star hotel or a friend’s couch, keep a small sleep survival kit in your suitcase that includes an eye mask and earplugs or noise-canceling headphones. If you are travelling long distance, a travel pillow can also be smart for catching a nap in planes or sleeping in cars.

You may never need the sleep mask or earplugs, but if you wind up with shades that simply don’t block light or noisy neighbors, you’ll be glad you have these items on hand and it could just save you a restless night.

It can also be helpful to keep a couple of healthy, light bedtime snack options like nuts, milk, crackers or baby carrots in your hotel room so you aren’t battling hunger pangs late at night.

If you are particularly bothered by sound or light and are staying in a hotel, it can also be worthwhile to ask the concierge for a quiet or darker room at check-in.

4. Brace for Plane Discomfort

Being on an airplane is one of the most moaned-about parts of traveling, as it means being confined to small space for at least a few hours and sometimes close to an entire day. There’s no way to get around it being one of the fastest ways to travel, but you can make the experience a bit more tolerable.

A big part is to book your seat in advance. If you plan on sleeping on the plane, I suggest you pick the window seat as it will let you control the sunlight and otherwise increase your comfort. However, an aisle seat will offer more leg space if you need it.

Then, make sure you have comfy clothes picked out for the flight. If need be, wear a pair of compression socks. The increased pressure helps to reduce swelling, fatigue, and discomfort associated with long or frequent flights.

Wearing compression socks Verified Source U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Funds cardiovascular medical research and promotes awareness about heart health. View source during a long-haul flight may significantly reduce fatigue, increase alertness, and improve overall health both during and after the flight, according to sleep expert Dr. Jing Zhang.

When packing items for your skincare routine, bring moisturizer in your carry-on. Humidity levels drop on airplanes and the recirculated air can leave your skin feeling dry, particularly if you’re on a long flight.

You carry-on should also include a cozy pillow and travel blanket. Sometimes you can even find two-in-one blankets that fold up into small pillows.

And if your ears pop during take-off, try packing hard candy sweets or chewing gum. Occupying your mouth with these as the plane takes off can minimize any pain or discomfort.

Worst case, you may even need to sleep in an airport from a delayed flight or extended layover. This is where a small sleep emergency kit with sleep mask, earplugs, and alarm clock comes in handy.

5. Plan for Jet Lag

Airplane wing during travel
Photo by Foter

If you are travelling long-distance, jet lag is a top sleep stealer, but being prepared can help you minimize its effects. Jet lag is the name given to the phenomena that causes our sleep clocks to go off kilter when we quickly travel to new time zones. For the majority of people, effects are most noticeable in eastbound travel.

The best way to adjust to jet lag is to gradually shift to the new time zone by an hour each day. For example, if you are traveling east where the time zone is 7 hours ahead of your current time, start preparing 7 days in advance by going to sleep 1 hour earlier each day, according to Dr. Jing Zhang.

In addition to good sleep hygiene practices, there are a few potential hacks to beat jet lag given by experts and research:

Trick Your “Food Clock”

A 2008 report from Science details studies that have found animals’ sleep clocks synchronized to match food availability and eating schedules. Findings suggest that humans might also be affected by this biological function, meaning jet lag could be minimized with a 12 to 16 hour fast, then breaking the fast with a meal at the “new” normal breakfast time.

For example, say you are leaving on a flight one evening and landing in your new time zone at 2PM local time the next day. You might have a lunch after landing, then fast and have your next meal at the regular breakfast time the following morning and resume a normal eating pattern.

It’s also best to avoid eating before bed, not just to keep your sleep schedule on track, but to avoid acid reflux and indigestion.

Manipulate Light

Researchers from NASA who help astronauts manage fatigue say that light is the most fundamental factor when it comes to reducing jet lag. They suggest if you are travelling east to keep your light exposure early to advance your sleep clock, but to keep light exposure late if travelling west to set back your sleep clock.

For example, if your eastbound flight leaves at night, they suggest wearing sunglasses all through the flight to minimize light, sleep if possible, and continue wearing sunglasses until late morning in the new time zone. If your eastbound flight leaves in the morning however, you would want to take in light throughout the flight and the day you land and skip the sunglasses.

Take Sleep Boosting Supplements

Melatonin, or melatonin-rich tart cherry juice, is often cited as helpful for inducing drowsiness, which can help you adjust to a new time zone. It may not work for everyone, though (and it’s always wise to consult with your doc before starting new supplements).

Researchers from the Rush University Medical Center take it step further with a system designed to adjust your natural biological rhythms. They suggest identifying your natural “temperature nadir”, or when you would usually wake up without an alarm minus three hours, and identify this time in your new zone.

  • Once in the new time zone, avoid light before this nadir time as light exposure can worsen jet lag (gradually move this time up over your first 3 days).
  • After your nadir time, then be sure to get light exposure the rest of the day.
  • Take progressively larger and earlier melatonin doses at night.

6. Don’t Go Overboard

One of the best parts about traveling can be splurging on enticing new foods and partying much later than you usually would. But, especially for those outside of college years, going overboard on rich foods can be a shock to your system and can impair your sleep and thus make your vacation less enjoyable.

Try to keep your heavier meals earlier in the day so you aren’t tossing and turning with indigestion at night. As always, it’s also best to limit caffeine at night so you can fall asleep quickly. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water during the day, too!

7. Follow Healthy Sleep Practices

Cat sleeping in bed
Photo by Foter

On vacation it can be easy to overlook the basics of sleep hygiene, which can throw off rest. Here’s a quick reminder of the key things to keep in mind when settling into your temporary space.

  • Keep the room cool – A range between 60 to 70 degrees is best for rest.
  • Keep the room dark – Close shades and start dimming lights in the hour before you want to sleep, then make sure all the little LEDs and other lights are off or covered (or use your sleep mask).
  • Use the bed only for sleep – Avoid working, eating or spending too much waking time in bed, as you want your body to associate the bed with sleep.
  • Try a warm shower – Taking a warm shower or bath before bed and then cooling off helps induce your body’s natural sleep response.
  • Limit electronics at night – Just like at home, try to turn off the TV and other electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime, as light can affect your body’s melatonin production.
  • Limit naps – If your sleep clock is off-course, it’s best not to take midday naps until you’re back on track. If you are a regular napper, try to keep power naps under 30 minutes and several hours before bedtime.


How can I sleep the night before a trip?

Ah, the pre-trip jitters, when excitement and anxiety play ping-pong in your brain! Start by packing early to avoid last-minute panic, then create a soothing bedtime routine worthy of a spa retreat. Dim the lights, brew some chamomile tea, and maybe indulge in a boring book.

Set multiple alarms clocks to ease that “What if I oversleep?” anxiety, then visualize yourself calmly gliding through your travel day. And if all else fails, remember: you can always sleep on the plane… right?

Why do I have trouble sleeping when traveling?

Oh, the joys of tossing and turning in an unfamiliar bed! See, your brain stays partially alert in new environment, a leftover survival instinct from our cave-dwelling days.

Add to that the excitement (or stress) of travel, jet lag messing with your internal clock, and the siren call of local sights and things to do, and you’ve got a recipe for sleepless nights.

Your usual routines are also disrupted, throwing your body’s rhythm into a tailspin faster than you can say “room service.”

How to fall asleep on a plane fast?

Start by creating a cozy cocoon with an eye mask and noise-canceling headphones. Sensory deprivation is your new best friend.

Next, recline that seat (if you’re lucky enough to have the option) and wrap yourself in a soft blanket like a sleepy burrito.

Finally, try some deep breathing exercises or a guided meditation app to lull yourself into dreamland faster than you can say “fasten your seatbelts.”

Is it okay to lie in bed all day on vacation?

Yes, spending an entire day lounging in bed during your vacation can be a wonderfully indulgent and relaxing experience. It’s a chance to fully unwind, free from the pressures of daily responsibilities and schedules, allowing your body and mind to truly rest and recharge.

However, it’s worth considering a balance in your vacation activities. While a day or two of bed-bound bliss can be rejuvenating, spending too many days this way might lead to feelings of lethargy or missed opportunities to explore and enjoy your surroundings. Additionally, extended periods of inactivity can sometimes lead to physical discomfort or stiffness.

Ultimately, the “right” way to spend your vacation is highly personal. If lying in bed all day brings you joy and relaxation, and you’re not neglecting any commitments or missing out on experiences you’ll regret later, then by all means, enjoy your cozy retreat.

How can I get instant relief from insomnia?

While there’s no magic bullet for instant insomnia relief, there are several quick techniques you can try to help ease yourself into sleep. One effective method is the 4-7-8 breathing technique: inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, then exhale slowly for 8 seconds, repeating this cycle several times to calm your nervous system and slow your racing thoughts.

Another approach is to try progressive muscle relaxation, starting from your toes and working your way up, tensing and then releasing each muscle group in your body. This can help release physical tension you may not even realize you’re holding, making it easier to drift off.

If your mind is buzzing with thoughts, try a mental exercise like the classic counting sheep or visualizing a peaceful, boring scene in great detail. These activities can occupy your mind just enough to distract it from anxiety-inducing thoughts, potentially allowing sleep to sneak up on you. Remember, even if these don’t work instantly, practicing them regularly can improve your sleep patterns over time.


We all know that things are bound to alter from the itinerary during travel, and nothing can be planned for 100 percent. But, preparing ahead of time by packing a couple of rest-boosting items and being aware of ways to sleep better, even how to sleep on an airplane, can help you prevent fatigue before it happens.

This will help you to make most out of your vacation and enjoy your time off, whether you’re aiming for the full sleep tourism experience or not.

What helps you sleep better when traveling? Does travel throw off how well you can sleep? Do you prioritize sleep while on the road?

About the author

Rosie Osmun, a Certified Sleep Science Coach, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the health and wellness industry. With a degree in Political Science and Government from Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Rosie's academic achievements provide a solid foundation for her work in sleep and wellness. With over 13 years of experience in the beauty, health, sleep, and wellness industries, Rosie has developed a comprehensive understanding of the science of sleep and its influence on overall health and wellbeing. Her commitment to enhancing sleep quality is reflected in her practical, evidence-based advice and tips. As a regular contributor to the Amerisleep blog, Rosie specializes in reducing back pain while sleeping, optimizing dinners for better sleep, and improving productivity in the mornings. Her articles showcase her fascination with the science of sleep and her dedication to researching and writing about beds. Rosie's contributions to a variety of publications, including Forbes, Bustle, and Healthline, as well as her regular contributions to the Amerisleep blog, underscore her authority in her field. These platforms, recognizing her expertise, rely on her to provide accurate and pertinent information to their readers. Additionally, Rosie's work has been featured in reputable publications like Byrdie, Lifehacker, Men's Journal, EatingWell, and Medical Daily, further solidifying her expertise in the field.

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