Ever wonder why our body is attuned to falling asleep at night and waking up in the morning? 

Melatonin for Sleep

Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Set a regular bedtime for both weekdays and weekends.

Keep the Bedroom Dark

This is part of setting the premise for your body to understand that it is time to go to bed. 

Foods to Avoid

Foods high in fat are heavy on your digestive system, as they take a long time to process. 

Stay Away from Electronic Devices

Lamp lights and blue lights from electronic devices interfere with the production of melatonin. 

Read a Book

Reading is a great stress reliever, as it relaxes your body and mind while you prepare to sleep. 

Try Soothing Drinks

Sleepy teas like peppermint and chamomile are known to induce sleep.

Take a Warm Bath or Shower

During sleep, your body drops 1 to 3 degrees in temperature. 

Set Your Thermostat

Sleep scientists recommend setting the room temperature anywhere between 60-67 degrees  

Increase Your Sunlight Exposure 

Melatonin production is lowest during the day, exposure to sunlight keeps those levels low and maintains your alertness.