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Dreams: Causes, Types, and Meanings
Dreams are one of the most unique facets of the human experience — they can be compelling, inspiring, unpleasant, and sometimes terrifying. And while everyone experiences the act of dreaming,…
What Are Hypnic Jerks and Why Do You Experience Them?
Have you ever been on the edge of sleep, only to be awakened by a sudden start? This type of involuntary movement is called a hypnic jerk. Hypnic jerks are…
How Your Digital Devices Are Ruining Your Sleep
For many of us, our phones are the last thing we view before we go to sleep and the first thing we wake up to. Whether you’re scrolling social media,…
Is Sleep Hypnosis Effective and How Does It Work?
Dealing with sleeping disorders can be frustrating — especially if you’ve tried all of the regularly recommended treatment suggestions to no avail. “We spend a third of our lives sleeping…
Leg Cramps at Night: Causes and Treatments
Leg cramps can be caused by many different factors and can even happen as a side effect of certain medications or diseases. However, most of the time it can be…
How Does Sleep Work? Everything You Need To Know
We all need sleep but do we really know why? You may know that sleep is vital to your physical and mental health, and important for our bodies overall well-being….
How Nutrition Affects Your Sleep Cycle
The importance of both nutrition and sleep are vital for our bodies to thrive. While one, or both, of these are often overlooked, the complicated relationship between the two could…
Mental Health and its Impact on Sleep
Staying mentally healthy and balanced has been linked to improve overall well-being. But keeping your mental health in check may actually help improve your quality of sleep. As decreased mental…
How to Stop Grinding Your Teeth at Night
Movement is common during sleep, but some types can be more harmful than others. While many of us may move our jaws and teeth during different parts of slumber, an…
Is Good Sleep Important for Losing Weight?
Trying to lose weight can feel overwhelming — particularly if you’re not seeing results as fast as you’d hoped. One of the most frustrating parts about attempting to lose weight…
Surgery for Sleep Apnea: Procedures and Risks
Sleep apnea is a disorder that can not only disrupt your sleep cycle — it can also lead to serious health issues. That’s because sleep apnea actually impacts your breathing…
Cataplexy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
A number of common sleep disorders are well known among the general public. However, cataplexy is one of the least known and is misdiagnosed or misinterpreted. Cataplexy is a sudden…